1. Ajay Singh Choudhary, Rameshwaram Sharma, Kartick Rastogi. A comparative study of toxicities during treatment with IMRT verses 3DCRT in loco regionally advanced Head and Neck carcinoma. IOSR Journal Dental and Medical science volume -16, Issue 11 ver. VI (Nov 2017) PP 66-69.
2. Ajay Singh Choudhary, Rameshwaram Sharma, Pawan Kumar, Narendra Kumar Gupta. A comparative study of Weekly verses Three Weekly Cisplatin concurrently with 3DCRT in loco regionally advanced Head and Neck cancer. IJCAR, volume -9, Issue 04(B), April 2020, page no. 21885-21890.
3. Dr. Manish Kumar Chaturvedi, Dr. Rameshwaram Sharma, Dr. Ajay Singh Choudhary. To Study Concurrent Chemoradiation comparing by Cisplatin 20mg/ m2 5 day every four Weekly verses standard 100 mg/m2 Three Weekly in loco regionally advanced Head and Neck cancer patients. International Journal of Scientific Research/ volume -9, Issue-4, April 2020 print ISSN No. 2277-8179.
4. Kampra Gupta, Kartick Rastogi, Sandeep Jain, Dr. Ajay Singh Choudhary, Shivani Gupta. A comparative study of Weekly Cetuximab verses Cisplatin with Concurrent Radiotherapy in Elderly patients of locoregionally Advanced squamous cell carcinoma of Head and Neck. International Journal of Current Advanced Research volume 7, Issue 2(H), Feb. 2018, page 10160-10164.
5. Sushil Kumar, Kartick Rastogi, Shantanu sharma, Sandeep Jain, Dr. Ajay Singh Choudhary. Changing Trends in Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Management of Breast Cancer North- West India over a Decade. IJCAR volume 8, Issue 02(F),Feb 2019, page no.17524-17528.
6. Shivani Gupta, Kartick, Assem, Daleep Singh, Dr. Ajay Singh Choudhary. Compliance to Radiotherapy ; A tertiary care center experience. Indian J Cancer 2018; 55: 166-9.